The importance of tourism in the world

The importance of tourism in the world

When we talk about tourism, we are referring to the activity or set of activities carried out by human beings, which consist in travelling for pleasure outside their usual environment. In other words, it is the action that includes: travelling, staying or staying for a certain period of time in a specific place, which does not correspond to the usual. There are different types of tourism, their classification depends on the travellers, their tastes and the activities they carry out during the given stay.

What is tourism?

Tourism is a social phenomenon that consists of the voluntary and temporary movement of people or groups of people who, mainly for reasons of leisure, rest, culture or health, move from their usual place of residence to another, in places where they carry out lucrative activities, activities and/or are sometimes remunerated, generating multiple interrelationships of social, economic and cultural importance.
But what is a tourist? The tourist is the person who moves from his country to another or from one place to another and does so to increase his cultural knowledge, to discover other cultures, to recreate, among other topics.

Tourism as an economic activity?

For many countries, tourism represents an important lucrative activity, either exclusively or complementary to other economic activities of that nation. In recent decades, tourism has grown significantly, as its development influences the progress of communities.
Therefore, a country or city with the ability to offer a wide variety of entertainment to tourists from all over the world, will cause a significant number of people to choose that place as a destination to enjoy their days off, holidays, or it may even be a target of interest for major investors. This would result in increased sales of various items in the city.
In France, tourism occupies an important place in terms of international tourist arrivals, and represents 7% of France's GDP. It currently accounts for 10% of global economic activity, generating countless sources of employment. According to the UNWTO, one in eleven jobs in the world belongs to an activity linked to the subject.

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